Sunday, 17 August 2014

Later 'gator

It's been a while. I kind of forgot about you.

It dawned on me. This little online musings was my outlet while I was on maternity leave. I needed something for me. Some structure and purpose.

Now before you super mums don the capes and come to shoot me down, take a moment and listen.

Being a mum is the best purpose I've ever had. Mini Me is becoming me every day and is bloody funny and bloody cute. She's also bloody tiring, testing, restricting, rewarding, entertaining and frustrating all coiled in that little body of hers that is about to spring.

What she is not is intellectually fulfilling. I've been lucky to have never been unemployed. Even as a kid I 'helped' mum at her work. I thrive on work and I survive on using my brain. So going from working to lunching is a massive adjustment. And this helped me through.

Now though, I write again every day. I problem solve, gossip, plan, deliver and manage the older children at my work that have tantrums that will give Mini Me a run for her money.

I love working. It's tough and a juggling act. I recently went through a tough time with anxiety attacks, illness and horribleness to those close to me. I never feel like I'm doing good at anything and failing at everything. Except failing.

Then I confided in people, noticed the signs and realised I'm doing okay. We're all doing okay.

This moment of serenity will pass. The overwhelming feeling of not doing anything right will come again, but I'm going to make the most of this peace now.

Basically this is a log way to say, I probably won't be writing anymore, at least for now. I have my outlet and don't have the time to do this writing anymore.

I'll continue my 101 in 1001 and try to remember to record them.

But if I don't and I don't write. I haven't forgotten how you helped get me through that past year. It'll stay wih me forever.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Old with the old

It was time for change. I resisted the 'mum' hair cut where you lop it all off because it is 'easier'. I'm sorry, nothing is easier than a dirty, smelly mum bun.

But after growing my tresses for four years, and looking back on a sun-kissed happy face with short locks (stupid me should've remembered I was drunk in every photo on a European summer holiday), I thought, why not. And off it went.

Hair to my nipples
So long hair, you were weighing me down
My short hair... only pic I have so far (Thanks Niche for the great night too)

I can't tie it in a mum bun, it's floating around my hair in a boof and I have to wash it at least twice a week. But I love it!

Plus I'm only four years away from growing it back.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

The final two envelopes

I've been beat at my own game.

After ten months of envelope surprises, Hubby has gone and trumped me.

And so it begun. My weekend of cards.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

A rainbow cake broke me

The internet has peer pressured me into tackling a Pinterest project.

When I put together my 101 in 1001 I was in an aspirational mood to be the mother that made everything from scratch, made every life moment a mystery and made every game one of learning.

That lasted about a month.

But I still have the list. And I still have to finish it. So for Mini Me's first birthday I decided to tackle the rainbow cake.

What a ridiculous idea.

Mini Me and the Rainbow Cake that broke me

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

One year down....

I've been a little quiet. I've been a little busy being a leaner-inner.

It seems this online brain dump really was biding time until I got it back into gear. I love what I do. I love my job.

It doesn't make me love Mini Me less. I just have to be honest with myself. 

So I will be writing less but still trying to finish my 101 in 1001.

Yesterday marked Mini Me's first birthday. To think a year ago I was defleaing the dog, with my pants off because I thought I had a saw stomach from too much food. Turns out, she was coming.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

The rise of the super mum

As a Pinterest abuser and mum who also works full time this will seem hypocritical... But damn those super mums.

They're up-cycling recycling into developmentally rich activities to expand their child's mental capacity. Their child-activity focused busy schedule makes my own meeting heavy diary look sparse. They're organic and gluten, diary, taste free home cooked meals remind me of a pre-homo sapien diet.

They swap out toys so the child never gets bored. They sign tiny tot up to every class possible. They're child always dresses amazing in public, even if it means changing them around the corner.

After another weekend of my head thinking about work, my body fighting the urge not to tip the bowl of homemade hidden veggie ragu over Mini Me's head and my emotions slipping out in primal screams I'm done. I'm tapping out.

I don't have the energy to wonder whether I'm doing irreversible damage as I swear at myself over the situation. I can't be bothered to make sure I tick four of however many development activities with each game we play. I can't bare to talk through what I'm doing like some crack-head on a mash-up of Play School and Masterchef. I don't have the care to shove a food pyramid of nutrition into each spoonful of food.

I'm taking this moment to explain. I'm tired after a trying day. I'm actually in bed cruising the online social world for a bit of respite now that Mini Me is asleep. I've been assaulted by post, photo, pin after post, photo, pin of super mum activities. I'm vulnerable and tired.

Tomorrow I'll forget this. I'll be back planning the rainbow cake for Mini Me's birthday and juggling my colliding worlds.

But now can I dream of a simpler world where a stick was a tool for endless games. Where the Tupperware drawer was a mystery to be unstacked and restacked. Where a polony sandwich was the height of nutrition. Where the only child-based activity you were booked into was on ABC.

Where I'm not a super mum, trying to be a super mum, pretending to be a super mum. Where I'm warts and all okay and I can throw out the recycling. Just let the rubbish go...

Monday, 28 April 2014

Year of dates: Cosy pampering bliss

I've found the past few year of dates months a chore.

Firstly, we didn't really liked each other. Secondly, I spent the date clenching my butt cheeks to make Jane Fonda proud as I held in the contents of my stomach. And finally we were so flat out fitting in life we struggled to fit the dates in.

But as April rocked around life has settled. We're in a good place, which was handy since this was an intimate date that was a little squeezy.

In my wisdom, April was a pampering date. I must've known we'd need the massages after house blitzing and going back to work.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

100 Happy Days - DONE

Could I be happy for 100 days? Sort of. In the past few days with a teething demon child, self of self-worthlessness, worrying about who is or who isn't friends with me and mounting work has meant finding happiness was tough.

There are always the smallest snippets. Sleep. Sun. Fresh Air. Chocolate.

Sadly the camera is not always there to capture those moments, and nor should it be.

These are my final days of the 100 Happy Days challenge.

As I said at the beginning I have an easy and photographable muse who makes for great talent. Just look at that face. She certainly features heavily in my happy days.

What it hasn't shown is the amazing and supportive husband, family and friends I have. The joy of returning to work. The kindness of a stranger letting me in or saying something nice. The surprise of a nice text from a lost friend. The excitement of happy news of those dear to me. It doesn't show the laughs, the fun or the people I encounter on a daily basis that make this life very rich.

Ugh. I'm obviously feeling very touchy-feeling with this romantic dialogue. Clearly I'm procrastinating from work. So I'll stop and let the picture do the talking.

Thank-you to one of the super mums for this inspiration. It was a fun way to document my life.

Day 78: Giving blood to save lives. Everyone should do it.
Day 79: Good old chilli con carne on the couch.
Day 80: Showing the little ones how to plank.
Day 81: OMG. She looks like a doll.
Day 82: Bubbles in your hair is the latest trend sweeping the runway.
Day 83: Look who found daddy's beer stash.
Day 84: Bubbles and bath.
Day 85: My office for the day.
Day 86: Cornered!
Day 87: Ladies who lunch.
Day 88: Family park selfie.
Day 89: More ladies who long table lunch for BreastCareWA.
Day 90: Feeling dusty but remembering fond memories of the long table lunch.
Day 91: Open. Shut. The new favourite game.
Day 92: No. You make me happy mail from a friend that isn't bills.
Day 93: Swinging.
Day 94: It's for you mum.
Day 95: Posers at another picnic.
Day 96: It's getting hot in here. Flaming coffee liqueur at Nonna's.
Day 97: Who me stay up all night? Never!
Day 98: Getting ready for work together.
Day 99: Zonked.
Day 100: Put my feet up, take a break from work and relax. The 100 Happy Days are done!

Friday, 11 April 2014

Hi ho. Hi no. It's back to work I go.

Being back at work feels like playtime. It certainly doesn't feel like my real job anymore.

Famous last words. Ask me again in a month.

What was particularly interesting was in the week I go back the Australian Human Rights Commission released a study of 2000 women and their workplace experiences during pregnancy and later returning to work.

It found one in two women report experiencing discrimination in the workplace during their pregnancy, after requesting or while on parental leave, or upon returning to work. As a result of this, a shocking 84% of these women experienced negative impacts on their mental health, physical health, families, finances, career and job opportunities.

I've seen this first hand. I have three friends who have returned to work since having their bubs last year. Of this three, two of them have posted Facebook statuses with tales of unfairness in the workplace. I'm sure there are others more feeling this way but don't feel comfortable enough sharing their feelings with others.

Friday, 4 April 2014

What I learnt during maternity leave

It's been almost a year since I put my out of office on, waddled to my car and drove off into the sunset.

It took a while for me to slow down. Even longer to switch my work brain off at the wall. With each new day I got a little bit slower, a little less frantic and a lot more sleepier.

Aside from the curve ball Mini Me has thrown and the tough lessons I quickly learnt, there are some other lessons I had in the past year.

1. Naps are under-rated
In our culture we laugh about how amazing it would be to have the afternoon siestas some countries like Spain and Italy enjoy. Then seconds later snigger how nothing ever gets done in those countries. Sadder still, that age-old tradition is being phased out. Please note: naps are not just for kids. I always felt great after 10 minutes of power napping. And on particularly slow days an hour and a half even. If only I could make a bed under my desk at work.

Naps are great!
2. Maternity leave should be called Morning Tea leave
I've said this before, but there is a lot of coffee and cake to be consumed when catching up with other women during your mat leave.

3. Don't put it off. Don't wait. Do it now.
This isn't a new, mind-blown philosophy. We all know it. We all read the inspirational quotes clogging up our Facebook, Instagram or any online feed you follow. You see, I thought I'd nail most of the 101 in 1001 during my mat leave. Ah no. I've managed 10% of it. There was always another coffee to go to (see point 2), another nap to have (see point 1) or a whiny baby to tend to. But I do wish I did more of it, because it'll get harder as a third of my life is consumed by work again.

4. But don't feel the need to rush and do it all at once
Woah. Contradiction! I'm a list maker (ah hello, what are you reading). I love to tick things off and have things done. I'd like to think I've seen and done a hell of a lot more than some people at my age. Yes there is a lot more people that have done more than me, but I'm still pretty happy. This year I've learnt it's okay to not have done everything, because there is always time. It's just about making sure your priorities are right. Sure I could've buckled down and smashed through half of my 101 in 1001, but where is the spontaneous fun of it? Instead my priorities were to have another coffee with friends (see point 2), rest up and take it slow (see point 1) and tend to my whiny baby when she needs me.

5. It's okay to say hello and good-bye to people
I love a good Facebook cull, but it is always harder to cull people in real life. Just like we should clean out our cupboards, sometimes we need a life cleanse and need to get rid of people we're investing too much for little return. You wouldn't do that with money. You wouldn't do that with a garden. So why waste your life doing it. Plus you might make new friends you need to make room for.

6. Let it all wash away in the shower
We're lucky we can have hot showers when ever we want. When ever Mini Me was being particularly annoying, I would put her in the bouncer and have a hot shower. She'd cry it out and if I'm lucky fall asleep. Meanwhile I couldn't hear her from under the running water and my worries, cares and stress just went down the drain. Even now, she just plays with her drawer, while I shower. Now to install a hot shower at work...

7. Choose the right mating partner
I always new Hubby was a bit of alright when it came to being supportive. Without him we would've ended years ago. To this day I'm the biggest shit in our relationship. What I wasn't prepared for was how much we'd need his patience and support when Mini Me came alone. Kids do not fix things. In fact they magnify all the bad stuff in your relationship and each other but you're too tired or busy to fight it out, talk it out or have the make-up sex that goes with a good fight. Sometimes it doesn't work this way, but pick the right person to have kids with. Make sure you're as rock solid as possible before the monster comes to tear it apart, and when possible make time for each other.

8. You're not the first, or last, person to experience that problem
The thing about first world problems is there is always someone else that has gone, or is going, through the same thing as you. While it is unique to you and might feel like the end of the world, you're not alone. Contrary to the books not everyone feels an instant connection to their baby. Everyone, at some point, has yelled a profanity at a baby that won't stop crying and start sleeping. Everyone has felt helpless at some point. Everyone fights with their partner, family and friends. Everyone farts. The lesson is, chill out, don't freak out, it'll be okay. And if you need to you can always find someone else who can sympathise.

9. Simple is best
The best example of this are kids toys. Forget the fancy, development enhancing toys, reach for your utensil draw. An empty box, car keys, a toothbrush are Mini Me's favourite toys. We complicate everything. For every problem we find the most difficult way to fix it. Instead, I've learnt simply is best. Don't over work it. Don't over think it and you'll get a better result.

In an ideal world, I'm going to take these lessons with me into work. Especially the naps one.

For those that have ever left the rat race for any period of time, what have you learnt? Post in the comments or get in touch. 

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Real life friend cull

I saw this fantastic quote on a friend's Instagram feed today and thought, well said!

I love a good Facebook cull. When I creep over 200 people, I start cutting. Good-bye people I met in hostels or had drunken nights with. Good-bye people from school who we only added each other to spy on each other. Good-bye people I've fallen out with.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Giving myself to save others: donating blood

I finally gave in to the blood suckers at the Australian Red Cross Blood Service.

I always wanted to but made lots of excuses. Time, needles, too busy, too sick. After being a human pincushion when I was pregnant I realised it would be fine.

So here I am euphoric after finally donating, or am I giddy from blood loss or too much sugar?

I'm a life saver - and so are they with their little treats

For those like me who put it off, let me combat those excuses.

100 Happy Days - Part 3

I can tell that I'm about to go back to work. A look back at the past month and my happy moment have revolved around Mini Me and food.

There is only a month left of my 100 Happy Days challenge and I wonder what sort of happy days I'll have while I'm back at work.

Monday, 31 March 2014

Bake test: Hummingbird Bakery Black Bottom Cupcakes, and a bit of breadbaking

From sweltering heat to wooly, rainy days. Perth's weather has changed in an instance. And I love it.

This grey weather is perfect for tea and movies and my favourite thing of all time - baking.

So while Hubby was enjoying the three Bs on a boat at a bucks party this Saturday I got my Betty homemaker on and baked up a storm. By the way - the three Bs are: Booze, Beef and Boobs. Apparently it's the secret to a great bucks day.

First up, I continued baking my way through the Hummingbird Bakery cook book and tried my hand at Black Bottom Cupcakes, or as I like to call them, Top Deck Cupcakes. Or even Double Cheesecake Cupcakes.

Why so many names? Well this cupcake by any name as a dense cake bottom, that is topped by a cheesecake, which you bake together. When cooled, you add a cream cheese, or cheesecake, icing.

See the layers on this thing!

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Bake test: THE BEST Hummingbird Bakery Chocolate Hazelnut Cupcakes

I ask myself - why have I never made these before?

The Hummingbird Bakery Chocolate Hazelnut Cupcakes are going down as the best ones I've ever made from the cook book.

They tick all the right boxes. Chocolate - tick. Hazelnut (my favourite) - tick. Fluffy - tick, tick. Easy - tick. Easy to decorate for a fumbler like me - tick.

Chocolate - tick, hazelnut - tick, fluffy - tick, sweet - tick... tick, tick, tick.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Year of dates: BamBOO and Rockpool

As my morning tea leave starts to wind down and the day to return to work looms closer, I'm finding we're busier than ever.

Lots of last minute catch ups, beach sessions and, being the control freak I am, lots of organising so I can make the most of non-work time with Mini Me and Hubby. Time really does seem to go faster when you're older. This article best explains it - it's all relative. Lightbulb moment.

It's funny that amongst the busy-ness, I also find I'm more boring than ever. When people ask what's been happening, I'm stumped. I actually do more, see more and have lots of stories, but I can't seem to remember them as I rush around. Which makes my writing a boring list of activities. Hence the winding down.

But I have managed to squeeze two dates in this weekend with Hubby.

First was February's outdoor cinema and second was March's progressive dinner.

Thank you Scoop Magazine for the tickets I won to see Dallas Buyers Club at the new outdoor cinema at BamBOO, next to Luxe Bar in Mt Lawley. Run by the Luna Cinema people, they turned the under-utilised outdoor amphitheatre into a summer movie venue. With deckchairs and beanbags, it's pretty comfortable but what sets this outdoor cinema apart from all of others is the cocktail bar ready to shake and stir a tasty beverage to accompany the night under the stars. 

And with the tasty Ace Pizza next door, you can grab a quick pizza before, or order it take away and eat during the movie. Which is a nasty thing to do for those without pizza. Even though we had smashed a cheesy Porky's Revenge, followed by the half baked dessert (snickers semi-freddo - OMG), I was leaning towards my neighbour salivating at their tasty pizza.

It was a great grown up night and surprisingly I didn't fall asleep!

Then on Sunday we stuffed our face full of tasty food. With so many weddings, the events that go with it, and general frantic-ness we decided to swap the progressive dinner with a World's Greatest Shave charity lunch at Rockpool that we were invited to by my uncle. Organised by Ahrens to raise money for Leukaemia Foundation I could not wait to get my mouth around some signature steak. Wow, that sounds naughty.

The menu did not disappoint. A earthy but zesty onion and Beetroot tart was followed by the tenderest beef imaginable that I didn't even need to chew the meat as it melted in my mouth. I was stuffed but managed to eat half of my light and fluffy pavlova.

With full bellies, the official proceedings begun. Honestly I'm a sucker these days. As the Ahrens General Manager explained how they rode to the function on kid's bikes, which would then get donated to sick kids across WA, I started to well up. This mummy thing has softened my heart into a sloppy ice cream melted mess.

The Ahrens guys did a fantastic job with auctions and raffles, and from the last count that I made, would've raised over $25K. They probably raised more but I had to sneak home early to Mini Me, while Hubby kicked on to see his beloved West Coast start their season.

While date number two was not the romantic night we planned, we found trying to cram in the dates was actually more stressful than relaxing. But spew we're still baby free, had some adult conversation and frocked up.

In saying that, is it bad that I can't wait for the year of dates to end?

While a great idea, life does fill up quickly and it's hard to find the time. Which is ridiculous to say as I write that. Maybe next time we should make it a seasonal thing.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Making the drop with BookCrossing

The saying goes that if you love something, let it go and if it is meant to be it will come back to you.

In this case, I'm hoping that isn't true.

It isn't that I don't love what I have released into the wild, or that I don't have fond memories or an attachment to it. It's just that, well I love books so much, especially actual physical books, that I want to share them with everyone. I'd be happy if each of my books just keep getting passed around and around.

Books into the wild, I hear you scoff. Those are the words the BookCrossing creators use when you sneakily leave a book in a public place for someone to pick up, adopt and take home.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Made with Love (Post-Apocalyptic) Apple Pie

In a post-apocalyptic world, I wouldn't survive.

I think often about what skill I'd offer the hardened band of survivors living off the land.

I'm not a genius to find an alternative energy source, or way to purify water. I can't kill a bug, let alone dinner, so what would good would I be against zombies, aliens or fellow man? I'm not the hot one, the funny one or the weird one. I have no medical knowledge, no survival skills, no building skills, but I could communicate the shit out of the rallying groups and throw a really nice party after.

With this in mind, I know I can cook, but I need to learn to do it without store-brought cheats. Feeling a little House on the Prairie I mucked in to make an apple pie, completely from scratch, with love, just to see if I could learn a survival skill. You always need a good dessert after a hard day of fighting zombies.

Apple pie, made from scratch

Monday, 24 February 2014

Year of dates - F-ing February Date

February was an F-themed date night for our year of dates.

It start off iffy. We were a month behind due to family (aka babysitters) being selfish and flying overseas and our dance card was filling up. So that one is postponed.

Then the 1st Feb came along and my brilliant idea to scoot along the coast in a scooter and have a picnic lunch fell flat because the company folded. Feeling forlorn I fretted until a fabulous find came into focus - FringeWorld and Francoforte. Freaking fabulous.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Splashing out

I'm in a foul mood this week.

Maybe it's the heat. Maybe it's because my dad is visiting an staying with my father-in-law, which is always trying. Maybe it's because Mini Me is out of whack due to starting daycare, teething, or because she's a baby. Maybe it's just one of those weeks.

So when it was Mini Me's nine-month birthday (nine in, nine out) I needed something and thankfully my yummy mummies group had the perfect solution.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

My week as a vegetarian (with one slip up)

In my attempt to become an earth-loving hippie (remember no plastic bags as part of my new year's resolutions), I did a lot of research and a big tip was to go meat free once a week.

Did you know, one meat-free day a week reduces 213kg of global warming CO2 gases? That's what nine, five-metre tall tress can absorb in a year. So in one little week I helped fill the gap of what 63 trees could do. Given the rate we cut rainforests, I think that was rather helpful of me.

Doing the annual work of 63 trees in one week equals a happy planet
This isn't just a fad or a bunch of made up statistics (67% of statistics are made up according to the University of Me), even the United Nations is behind it. I really respect that organisation, and if you want something to help put you to sleep, you can read about it here.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Getting saucy on Italian Sauce Day

The end of 'Looking for Alibrandi' got it all wrong. Sauce Day is not a day of Italian tunes, people wearing head scarves and families embracing happily.

It's a little more like La Tomatina... there are tomatoes thrown, tears, tantrums, fights and that's all before the first espresso. Then the stench of rotten tomatoes lingers on your skin and hair.

The paving looks like a Japanese Whaling Ship (no animals were hurt in the production of thick juicy sauce). Nonno (grandfather for non-Italians) gives a mean eye when he thinks you're not boiling the bottles properly. Nonna mutters that Kevin never checks the tomatoes properly. Sister S is being Sister S and thinks its a laugh. My very Australian husband thinks it is the best fun.

What am I saying? It's a hard slog, but it's tradition. I'm a sucker for tradition. So if ya gotta do it, then do it with some style.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Our Nation's Saddest Moment

Generally Australia's greatest achievements are on the sporting fields with some contributions to the arts and science world.

But what seems to be our greatest achievement to date is our saddest moment in history.


What is sadder is as I typed that, my phone recognised it as a legitimate word.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Who let the mum's out?

This week I'd read an interesting article about how becoming a parent had changed, or not changed, a person.

It made me think about the person I was, the person I am now and the person I hope to be.

I truly think I'm the same, just a calmer version of me. I still go out regularly (at least once a week and also baby free), still swear (really need to stop that), I've always had a shower before lunch, I still cook. I think it's important to do things for yourself. Though I am learning to let go of things that take up too much energy with little return. Got to say it's a nice feeling.

The article came a good time because the following Saturday night the yummy mummies were hitting the town, without the babies. Watch out!

Feeling like a small group without our accessories

Saturday, 1 February 2014

100 happy days

Is it possible to be happy for 100 days in a row?

2014 must be the International Year of Niceness and Happiness. Everywhere I'm seeing challenges to pay it forward, capture happy moments, create memory jars, all in an effort to feel warm and fuzzy.

Already for my 101 in 1001 I wanted to make a list of the 100 things that make me happy. I've been slowly building that list as I go along. Then on Facebook I noticed a friend post a challenge #100happydays.

Could I be happy for 100 days in a row?

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Smugness of separation anxiety

Yesterday was my bi-monthly gym visit since I started Morning Tea Leave.

The baking, coffees and Nigella inspired meals in my attempt to knock Martha Stewart off her smug perch are taking their toll. Next year's Biggest Loser will be a world first. It'll take all three trainers to focus on one person who gives the Ghostbusters dough boy a binge eating for its money.

The last three times Mini Me was in the crèche were tolerable. Yes there were tears, mostly from me as I looked at the scales, but the upside was Mini Me passed out before the car door opened and would sleep. It is the only activity that has actually tired her out. Why didn't I do this more as I spent many a day bouncing on the gym ball to get her to sleep? Every time she came away with a cold. And reread sentence one... Bimonthly visit.

New year, new me and off we wobbled.

It was the most satisfying 15-minutes of my life.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Benefit of being a mum #8

Spending the morning in a park, lying on a rug and staring at the trees.

Life doesn't get simpler or happier than this.


Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Best Chocolate Tart too good NOT to share

Oh. My. F-ing. Goodness.

This Tim Tam Tart, yes you read that alliteration right, this Tim Tam Tart is simple, decadent, delicious, fool-proof, rich, tasty, melt-in-your-mouth amazing.

A tasty tart

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Glad to see the back of him

In theory having your husband home is a great thing. Another pair of hands to help. Another pair of eyes to watch. Someone to talk to.

In reality, it's another person making mess. It's someone who watches TV while I prefer the radio. It's someone who is relaxing while you're pottering around.

Having Hubby home over the festive break was lovely at first. Walks, lunches, all very romantic and he is generally helpful. But as he goes back to work today it is with a sign of relief not just from me but also him.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Benefit of being a mum #7

Morning tea leave. That's what I like to call maternity leave.

I have never gone out for so many coffees, picnics or lunch dates in my life. Who wants to go back to work when you can do this everyday?

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Like a pair of old trackies

A good friend is like a pair of old trackies. No matter how old, worn or faded they are, you can slide right in them, they feel oh so comfortable and never let you down.

That's what it was like seeing our best mate, and pseudo brother-from-another-mother, yesterday after two years apart.
From our slightly younger days

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Sweaty Happy New Year from Darwin

I hate New Year's Eve - everyone in the world trying to have a good time and everyone's definition of fun is different, so invariably no one has a good time.

That's why my favourite New Year's Eves have been overseas. Being in a different location and on holiday just puts you in a happier mood.

Sadly our budgets couldn't extend to an overseas destination and there was somewhere I hadn't been in a long time; up north to see my dad.

My little flight buddy - she was a dream.