Sunday 4 May 2014

The rise of the super mum

As a Pinterest abuser and mum who also works full time this will seem hypocritical... But damn those super mums.

They're up-cycling recycling into developmentally rich activities to expand their child's mental capacity. Their child-activity focused busy schedule makes my own meeting heavy diary look sparse. They're organic and gluten, diary, taste free home cooked meals remind me of a pre-homo sapien diet.

They swap out toys so the child never gets bored. They sign tiny tot up to every class possible. They're child always dresses amazing in public, even if it means changing them around the corner.

After another weekend of my head thinking about work, my body fighting the urge not to tip the bowl of homemade hidden veggie ragu over Mini Me's head and my emotions slipping out in primal screams I'm done. I'm tapping out.

I don't have the energy to wonder whether I'm doing irreversible damage as I swear at myself over the situation. I can't be bothered to make sure I tick four of however many development activities with each game we play. I can't bare to talk through what I'm doing like some crack-head on a mash-up of Play School and Masterchef. I don't have the care to shove a food pyramid of nutrition into each spoonful of food.

I'm taking this moment to explain. I'm tired after a trying day. I'm actually in bed cruising the online social world for a bit of respite now that Mini Me is asleep. I've been assaulted by post, photo, pin after post, photo, pin of super mum activities. I'm vulnerable and tired.

Tomorrow I'll forget this. I'll be back planning the rainbow cake for Mini Me's birthday and juggling my colliding worlds.

But now can I dream of a simpler world where a stick was a tool for endless games. Where the Tupperware drawer was a mystery to be unstacked and restacked. Where a polony sandwich was the height of nutrition. Where the only child-based activity you were booked into was on ABC.

Where I'm not a super mum, trying to be a super mum, pretending to be a super mum. Where I'm warts and all okay and I can throw out the recycling. Just let the rubbish go...

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