Monday 10 March 2014

Making the drop with BookCrossing

The saying goes that if you love something, let it go and if it is meant to be it will come back to you.

In this case, I'm hoping that isn't true.

It isn't that I don't love what I have released into the wild, or that I don't have fond memories or an attachment to it. It's just that, well I love books so much, especially actual physical books, that I want to share them with everyone. I'd be happy if each of my books just keep getting passed around and around.

Books into the wild, I hear you scoff. Those are the words the BookCrossing creators use when you sneakily leave a book in a public place for someone to pick up, adopt and take home.

I've always shared books, often recommending them or handing them out and loosing track of them. I even tried to start my own book club swap, that fizzled after a few attempts. Few close to me are as passionate about sharing the written word.

A year ago, Sister S and I were Christmas shopping in Claremont. Needing a well-deserved rest, we sat outside in the sun and saw a lonely little book on its own. Sister S looked around to find an owner, opened her up and saw this little hello message inside. We had just been BookCrossed.

Hola... meet your new book friend.

BookCrossing started in 2001 and acts as the World's Library and a place where books get new life. According to the website there are currently 181,302 BookCrossers and 10,179,911 books travelling throughout 132 countries.

I remember when travelling I'd always swap one book for another at the hostel libraries. Just think of where some of those books have been!

After cleaning out my bookcase, with the intention to donate some books to the library (which I've still done), I remembered this was one of my 101 in 1001. It was time to get releasing.

It's really simple. Just create a profile, register the book you wish to release and a unique ID number is generated for the book. Print some ready made labels, write the number, stick it in the book and release. To help other find your books you register the release on the website. This also helps you find books in your local area to hunt down.

The books I'm releasing
Releasing my first book felt very secret agent. In a busy aquatic centre on Saturday kids were screaming and splashing. Five minutes late for Mini Me's swimming lesson, I frantically ran in, dumped my bag, rummaged around, took out the book, threw in my clothes and sploshed into the pool. Half an hour later I calmly picked up my bag and went into the showers. I'm pretty proud of myself. It was a nonchalant, I'd even go so far as to say textbook, drop. No one even noticed me.

It's a game of 'Where's the book?'.
Those dads had no idea what just went down. Success! Well actually I'm not sure. I don't know if anyone has taken the book. But it was exhilarating nonetheless.

Mission accomplished.

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