Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Frocktober 2013 Day 9 - Sneaky city slickers

Some may gasp and say 'that's not following the rules'. Oh but I am. It's just a sneaky bending of the rules...

Today we're city-bound for some shots for me, shopping and lunch with a fabulous old school friend I've recently gotten back in touch with.

Mini Me's outfit reflects the gloomy sky, but I'm secretly pleased with the weather. This little outfit came all the way from San Francisco, from our lucky friends who have moved there for Google. Yep you read that right.

Bright and rugged up in a little outfit from the USA
As a little winter outfit I thought she wouldn't get to ever wear it again, but today's stormy outlook is perfect for it.

Since we are going into the city and it is cold weather, it's a business like day today... and wearing my new black and white dress, but as a top.

Like magic... a dress into a top

Yes, those are jeans on my legs. Yes, it is well within the rules because I have restyled a dress into a top. A hair tie to tie it up, ruched it up, hey presto, you have a top.

My challenge is about restyling after all and why shouldn't a dress go that extra mile and become more versatile. Don't worry those pins will be out again before you know it, but I do have a few more magic tricks like this lined up.

We've beaten our goal, and raised over $1,300 so far, but we can always raise more. Spread the word, open the wallet, and visit:

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