Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Market fresh: Kyilla Farmer's Market

I love to smell fruit and vegetables.

My favourites are tomatos that seem to capture the scent of the sun or ripe mangoes that smell like a muggy summer night.

Shopping at Woolies and Coles is great because everything you need is under one roof. But the mass produced, generic fruit and veg generally lacks the smells I crave.

That's why I laughed at the looming grey clouds threatening to unleash on Saturday to visit the Kyilla Farmer's Market in North Perth.

A small bit of blue sky at the Kyilla Farmer's Market
Set up by the Kyilla Primary School with an aim to bring the community together every Saturday between 8.30am and 11.30am, the market grows each week in numbers and stalls.

Ms Z lives nearby and after the first market she said it lacked a crepe stall. Hey Presto! Next week there was a crepe stall.

The market has everything you need for a weekend shop - two fruit & veg stalls, a seafood Monger, fresh pasta, bakery (with jam donuts that are meant to be so jammy they sell out very quickly), small goods and dips seller and coffee churning away.

Have a grumbling stomach? Fixed.

There's the aforementioned crepe stall and bakery with tasty morsels testing at every stall, a paella or Spanish egg stand and what I hope is the start of a new craze in Perth, a food van.

The Cuban Sandwich Co van only sells it's signature pulled pork roll with sweet pork, peppery jalapeƱo aioli, crispy lettuce and crunchy roll. After a taste test, Hubby couldn't help but buy one.

Located on a park off Clievenden St, the Kyilla Farmer's Market is a nice Saturday outing, particularly for those with a need to smell their produce.

Kyilla Farmer's Market
Kyilla Park on Clieveden Street, North Perth


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