Monday, 5 August 2013

Breakfast picnicking

I love picnics. Perth just makes it so easy to have them.

For the second time this week I found myself on the South Perth foreshore soaking up the winter sun.

Bringing together my favourite pastime and meal, breakfast, Mini Me and I caught up with Ms Lou on Sunday for a good catch up.

For this breakfast picnic, I stocked my picnic basket with:
  • strawberry yoghurt parfait (in a jar of course)
  • scrambled egg, avocado and tomato relish wraps
  • mugs of hot water and teabags
  • Mini Me's brunch of defrosted mummy milk

This was thrown together that morning and is such easy, healthy and portable food for a picnic. And they look impressive to.

I really have to get better at taking photos of my outings, or remembering to at least.
It was another perfect Perth day. Clear skies, a content baby and juicy gossip while runners pounded the pavement and cyclists zipped past to make us feel like blobs of lard as we chowed down out brekkie.

Once again Ms L was full of stories of her booze-filled night causing unknown bruises and we talked about a week of news. 

You'd think we'd run out of things to talk about considering we chat every few days. But that's what's brilliant about besties; there's always something to chat about. Plus Ms L is always good for a story. In Robin Hood days when stories were told by master orators, Ms L would've had that job. She captivates you with the right amount of intrigue and embellishment without corrupting the truth of the story.

As Mini Me and I strolled back to the car we were accosted by a mil (Man in Lycra). Unfortunately it was Hubby puffed after his once a month bike ride. Bless him for trying. At least his over priced bike's cost per ride is finally going down!

1 comment:

  1. Lol. Love the last paragraph. And that breakfast looks DELISH!!
