Friday, 30 August 2013

Photo Friday - week 4

Despite the weather man saying it'll rain, rain, rain, we've had some stunning days, giving me an opportunity to get out and make the most of it.

That is except when Mini Me plays up. I blame a combination of growing pains and the full moon.

1. Trapped: It's a gorgeous day out but do to an unsettled baby I'm trapped indoors.

2. Men being manly: The sun is shining, the BBQs are sizzling and men gather at the fire.

3. Happy baa-thday: who needs traditional candles when any old one will do.

4. Mini Me's perspective: I always wondered what Mini Me saw from her pram. Now I know and boy is my hair frizzy!

5. A Mini Me Minute: so many faces in such a short time.

6. It's the little things: these little minions are ready to make my coffee.

7. My perspective: and this is the perspective I have every morning after her feed, some play time on the mat.

Monday, 26 August 2013

Year of dates - Barrel of laughs at Charles Hotel

Mini Me had hardly slept and was over-tired, over-stimulated and I was over her. So it was with great pleasure that I handed her over to my mum while Hubby and I went out on our first official date from his birthday present.

Not knowing what sort of child we would have, or whether this would be the first time we'd leave her with someone else, I chose a date night that would be close to home, low key and inject some humour into our lives (in case we had forgotten the tinkling sound of laughter).

Turns out I didn't need to worry about any of those things.

But there is something nice about going to a place where you know what to expect when you step in, the beers are cold but the chicken parmas are cheesy. The Charles Hotel in North Perth has all of that.

Every Thursday the Charles hosts a comedy night that either has the building quivering with laughter, or stone cold silence.

We've been to some of the nights before and have experienced both and for $18 per person you don't mind either way. Thankfully on our date night we were laughing loud and hard. It was a great line-up and the parma and steak sandwich didn't disappoint.

Though the laughs were great, the best thing about the night was chatting to each other. Surprisingly we had lots to say that didn't revolve around Mini Me, which is my biggest fear. And thankfully Hubby put his mobile phone down for an hour to focus on me.

At the end of the night we were glad to get out, share a meal, have a laugh and get our sanity back a bit.

To top it off, we got home and Mini Me was fast asleep, the kitchen cleaned and bed was calling.

The Charles Hotel - Comedy Lounge
509 Charles Street, North Perth
Every Thursday night - doors open 7pm for 8pm start
P: 9444 1051

Friday, 23 August 2013

Photo Friday - week 3

This week I found myself taking lots of abstract, close up shots.

It was such a sunny week in Perth you'd think I'd take lots of blue sky shots. And I ate out a lot, so food porn shots should've been all the rage.

But no I chose to zoom in and be all arty with textures and what not.

1. In Cloud 9: It was rainy outside, Mini Me was asleep and I was snuggled in my doona.
2. Food can: A quick trip to the local farmer's market and Hubby fills up on a Cuban sandwich.
3. Through the looking glass: A drink for Mini Me and a drink for me.

4. Playing with colours: another world or home?
5. Shooting hoops: Hubby relived his childhood at our local school. This one did not go in.
6. Ferny: my new fern on our outdoor table.
7. Here's looking at you kid: When lost for inspiration, the kid works alright.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Market fresh: Kyilla Farmer's Market

I love to smell fruit and vegetables.

My favourites are tomatos that seem to capture the scent of the sun or ripe mangoes that smell like a muggy summer night.

Shopping at Woolies and Coles is great because everything you need is under one roof. But the mass produced, generic fruit and veg generally lacks the smells I crave.

That's why I laughed at the looming grey clouds threatening to unleash on Saturday to visit the Kyilla Farmer's Market in North Perth.

A small bit of blue sky at the Kyilla Farmer's Market
Set up by the Kyilla Primary School with an aim to bring the community together every Saturday between 8.30am and 11.30am, the market grows each week in numbers and stalls.

Ms Z lives nearby and after the first market she said it lacked a crepe stall. Hey Presto! Next week there was a crepe stall.

The market has everything you need for a weekend shop - two fruit & veg stalls, a seafood Monger, fresh pasta, bakery (with jam donuts that are meant to be so jammy they sell out very quickly), small goods and dips seller and coffee churning away.

Have a grumbling stomach? Fixed.

There's the aforementioned crepe stall and bakery with tasty morsels testing at every stall, a paella or Spanish egg stand and what I hope is the start of a new craze in Perth, a food van.

The Cuban Sandwich Co van only sells it's signature pulled pork roll with sweet pork, peppery jalapeƱo aioli, crispy lettuce and crunchy roll. After a taste test, Hubby couldn't help but buy one.

Located on a park off Clievenden St, the Kyilla Farmer's Market is a nice Saturday outing, particularly for those with a need to smell their produce.

Kyilla Farmer's Market
Kyilla Park on Clieveden Street, North Perth


Monday, 19 August 2013

Baby boom! Gift ideas

There's been a baby boom in Perth.

I have a list on my phone of 'Preggo due dates' with 13 women on it. That is 13 people I directly know popping out a little human. That doesn't include all the women I've met since with babies.

What my own Mini Me and 13 other babies has taught me is the art of present buying for expectant first, second or fifth time parents.

So I stop reinventing the wheel, here are my never fail gifts (sorry to those about to pop out a bub, you know what you're getting):

Pregnancy gift
Being pregnant can be a dream run or nauseous nightmare for some. For those on the long nine month (but you generally find out with six months left) I put together this little Preggo Pack:
  • Bio oil - maybe it's my genetics, but I think it was this oil that saved me from stretch marks
  • Chocolates - because they are for any celebration
  • Raspberry Leaf Tea - for drinking after 36 weeks to help bring on labour
  • Necklace/jewellery/accessory - to remind the mum to be she's still a woman
  • Book for dad - really depends on the type of dad. Could be a funny, mushy or with helpful tips, but something to help him connect
  • Fruit/veggie to show the baby size - depending on what week you give the present, this will also help dad visualise the little growing bub

Almost new mum / baby shower gift
Aside from the gorgeous clothes and toys, I found these few items the most helpful as a new mum, and hardly anyone brought them for me:
  • Nipple cream - a horrible truth about being a new mum is ALL the breast feeding. This cream was the only thing that saved my nipples
  • Water bottle - I was surprised how thirsty I was and always needed water on hand
  • Packet of muesli bars - I was also surprised at how hungry I was and how hard it was to eat. These are good easy snacks
  • Travel pack of baby wipes - aside from nappies I used so many baby wipes. Perfect for almost any emergency
  • Pre-bub massage/pedicure - a final chance to relax or pamper those feet she lost sight of months ago

New parents
While flowers, more baby clothes and champagne were all lovely gifts, the best gifts were gifts of food. Anything in the freezer packed full of healthy goodness and easy to reheat were greeted with the most enthusiasm. Yes it doesn't last forever and you can't say 'blah blah brought you that' but it will go a long way to helping a new parents sanity.

These are my little tips. I wonder what other's go to presents are for new parents...


Friday, 16 August 2013

Photo Friday - week 2

Week two of Project365 and it hasn't been too bad. I've had a busy week but again, I always forget to get that shot. And I need to start thinking a little creatively too.

I'm pretty happy with Tuesday's creative attempt to follow my windscreen wipers as they frantically tired to wipe away the big old fat rain that came down hard and fast.

Happy snapping!

1: My other baby: Frankie has been my fur child for the past three years. Though he has gone through 12 pairs of shoes, countless undies, a day bed mattress and two bras, I still love this reject dog (now that is a story to tell).

2: Ready for a pampering: Ah to feel like a woman again. This is thanks to my old uni girls who gave me this little session as a birthday present. I felt like a rock star.

3: Blue sky city: That's the best thing about home; endless blue skies. even in winter.

4: Gnoming you: Our lemon gnome always says hello after our afternoon walks.

5: Rain, rain go away: Did I say it never rains in Perth?

6: How they grow: Mini Me met a wee little week one baby and thought it was pretty funny.

7: Out of space wall art: What makes a sushi place cool? Astro Boy wall art (Mr Munchies, Beaufort Street Mt Lawley

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Vent with no judgement

Truth #1: I love Mini Me more than anything. Even more than I love Crunchie icecream and Cadbury's Black Forrest chocolate blocks. But even my favourite food makes me sick some times if I have too much.

Truth #2: I have a short fuse and low tolerance for unnecessary complaining and things I can't fix.

These two truths are a big part of me. It's little wonder they don't clash very often.

Largely, I think it's because Mini Me is a good bub. She's not a big crying, generally sleeps well at night and gives me lots of smiles.

But this week I've encountered the 'witching hour'. From 5pm til 8pm it is a constant battle of the cries. Her yells, my screams of frustration back. Screaming tennis is no fun. But her shocked look when I scream back was pretty funny.

I know, I know. Screaming at your baby is not good. But it helped release some tension before it came out another way.

And before you get preachy; I did just let her cry and walked away. I did cuddle her until she stopped... Then started again. I did feed her. I did try to imagine happy places (which incidentally seemed to be at the bottom of a bottle). I did my pilates breathing. We walked. I sent out good wishes. I tried it all.

It's not nice being angry at your baby. They can't help their baby nature. I feel so guilty about my dark nature too.

I know it's a phase. I know I have the means to handle it. But sometimes you just need to vent with no judgement.

This was my vent. No judgement please.

Day after update:
Yesterday was a good afternoon. She was still grizzly but I was mentally and physically prepared for it. Knowing it is coming helped put me in a good position to handle the relentless crying. Two steps forward....

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Benefit of being a mum #3

Parking in the parent parking bays without feeling guilty.

Benefit of being a mum #2

It's forced exercise.

Yes there is lots of couch time, particular during feeds, but you can still be burning the calories.

Monday, 12 August 2013

No card required - why we love you birthday print

The past two years have been flirty 30s, dirty 30s, murky 30s and hurty 30s. Now even more so with many of my close friends turning the big 3-0.

Trying to keep each gift personal, fresh and new means the ideas are running low.

For Ms Z's milestone birthday she received a '30 sucks' card the day before her birthday. And I was part of the surprise she received at lunch when our fabulous Sydney friend flew in for her special day.

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Benefit of being a mum #1

No hangovers on a Sunday morning.

After last night's 30th there are a few sore heads, upset tummies and hung dog people.

I'm not as fresh as a daisy, but feeling very smug.

The silver lining of being a mum.

Friday, 9 August 2013

Photo Friday - week 1

I love photography and I'd like to think I'm okay. Slightly above point and shoot, well below amateur and miles behind professional.

I can compose a photo, keep it in focus and use the manual function in my big fancy SLR. Sometimes I even get an amazing shot. SOME being the key in there.

In my early mum days, when baby and boob were attached for hours on end at times I'd only ever seen after too many Jaeger Bombs, I discovered Project 365. It's a simple challenge - take one photo a day for a year to document your life and hone your photography skills. With time on my hands it seemed like an easy challenge for my 101 in 1001.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

DIY: 30 sucks card

I LOVE my birthday. It's my favourite holiday. A day dedicated to me, people are nice, there's gifts, there's lunches and lots of free drinks.

The number means nothing.

But for many the number is worse than the childhood monster in the closet. It's ominous, judging and going to expose their life like a bad tabloid journalist would.

I've had a lot of family and friends reach milestone birthdays lately. My young family members use it as their badge into the adult world. My friends fear the big 3-0.

One friend if celebrating her pearl birthday this month and there are a few surprises in store.

And one went in the post - a 30 sucks card.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Kookaburra sits in the...

I love that nursery rhyme. It's fun and one of the few purely Australian rhymes out there.

What a shame it's a victim of the evolving English language and now to be politically correct some say 'how FUN your life must be'. Let's just remember that the word 'gay' to describe happiness, merriment and fun has been around a lot longer than to describe someone's sexual orientation.

What makes me think of this nursery rhyme is my neighbourhood's gay kookaburra. I live less than 10 kilometres from the Perth CBD in a medium density urban area. There is no natural bushland immediately around me, yet I'm blessed every day to hear Kookie's  (that's my name for the bird) happy chortle.

I even think after a year of singledom, Kookie's found a buddy because I swear I can hear two distinct laughs now.

And it's not just Kookie. For some strange reason we have lots of native birds in the area. If it wasn't for the two fat cats down at number 6 I would do more to attract them to my home. I'm just afraid I'll create a native 'all you can eat' for Fat Cat 1 & 2.

I've only ever seen Kookie once. He was sitting on the fence opposite my kitchen window. Hopefully Kookie will come visit again soon. Until then - Laugh Kookaburra laugh. Kookaburra how gay your life must be!

Monday, 5 August 2013

Breakfast picnicking

I love picnics. Perth just makes it so easy to have them.

For the second time this week I found myself on the South Perth foreshore soaking up the winter sun.

Bringing together my favourite pastime and meal, breakfast, Mini Me and I caught up with Ms Lou on Sunday for a good catch up.

For this breakfast picnic, I stocked my picnic basket with:
  • strawberry yoghurt parfait (in a jar of course)
  • scrambled egg, avocado and tomato relish wraps
  • mugs of hot water and teabags
  • Mini Me's brunch of defrosted mummy milk

This was thrown together that morning and is such easy, healthy and portable food for a picnic. And they look impressive to.

I really have to get better at taking photos of my outings, or remembering to at least.
It was another perfect Perth day. Clear skies, a content baby and juicy gossip while runners pounded the pavement and cyclists zipped past to make us feel like blobs of lard as we chowed down out brekkie.

Once again Ms L was full of stories of her booze-filled night causing unknown bruises and we talked about a week of news. 

You'd think we'd run out of things to talk about considering we chat every few days. But that's what's brilliant about besties; there's always something to chat about. Plus Ms L is always good for a story. In Robin Hood days when stories were told by master orators, Ms L would've had that job. She captivates you with the right amount of intrigue and embellishment without corrupting the truth of the story.

As Mini Me and I strolled back to the car we were accosted by a mil (Man in Lycra). Unfortunately it was Hubby puffed after his once a month bike ride. Bless him for trying. At least his over priced bike's cost per ride is finally going down!

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Crystal ball gazing: schools enrolments

Get me that crystal ball, my head is about to explode.

Mini Me's only just mastered smiling, is barely cooing and she only recognises me as the buffet, yet Hubby and I have spent this week talking about her schooling future.

Why? Fantastic question. It's because if you want to send your child to a private school you need to enrol them five minutes after birth. Squeeze in a baptism in that time and your application looks better.