Mini Me had hardly slept and was over-tired, over-stimulated and I was over her. So it was with great pleasure that I handed her over to my mum while Hubby and I went out on our first official date from
his birthday present.
Not knowing what sort of child we would have, or whether this would be the first time we'd leave her with someone else, I chose a date night that would be close to home, low key and inject some humour into our lives (in case we had forgotten the tinkling sound of laughter).
Turns out I didn't need to worry about any of those things.
But there is something nice about going to a place where you know what to expect when you step in, the beers are cold but the chicken parmas are cheesy.
The Charles Hotel in North Perth has all of that.
Every Thursday the Charles hosts a comedy night that either has the building quivering with laughter, or stone cold silence.
We've been to some of the nights before and have experienced both and for $18 per person you don't mind either way. Thankfully on our date night we were laughing loud and hard. It was a great line-up and the parma and steak sandwich didn't disappoint.
Though the laughs were great, the best thing about the night was chatting to each other. Surprisingly we had lots to say that didn't revolve around Mini Me, which is my biggest fear. And thankfully Hubby put his mobile phone down for an hour to focus on me.
At the end of the night we were glad to get out, share a meal, have a laugh and get our sanity back a bit.
To top it off, we got home and Mini Me was fast asleep, the kitchen cleaned and bed was calling.
The Charles Hotel - Comedy Lounge
509 Charles Street, North Perth
Every Thursday night - doors open 7pm for 8pm start
P: 9444 1051