Monday, 28 April 2014

Year of dates: Cosy pampering bliss

I've found the past few year of dates months a chore.

Firstly, we didn't really liked each other. Secondly, I spent the date clenching my butt cheeks to make Jane Fonda proud as I held in the contents of my stomach. And finally we were so flat out fitting in life we struggled to fit the dates in.

But as April rocked around life has settled. We're in a good place, which was handy since this was an intimate date that was a little squeezy.

In my wisdom, April was a pampering date. I must've known we'd need the massages after house blitzing and going back to work.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

100 Happy Days - DONE

Could I be happy for 100 days? Sort of. In the past few days with a teething demon child, self of self-worthlessness, worrying about who is or who isn't friends with me and mounting work has meant finding happiness was tough.

There are always the smallest snippets. Sleep. Sun. Fresh Air. Chocolate.

Sadly the camera is not always there to capture those moments, and nor should it be.

These are my final days of the 100 Happy Days challenge.

As I said at the beginning I have an easy and photographable muse who makes for great talent. Just look at that face. She certainly features heavily in my happy days.

What it hasn't shown is the amazing and supportive husband, family and friends I have. The joy of returning to work. The kindness of a stranger letting me in or saying something nice. The surprise of a nice text from a lost friend. The excitement of happy news of those dear to me. It doesn't show the laughs, the fun or the people I encounter on a daily basis that make this life very rich.

Ugh. I'm obviously feeling very touchy-feeling with this romantic dialogue. Clearly I'm procrastinating from work. So I'll stop and let the picture do the talking.

Thank-you to one of the super mums for this inspiration. It was a fun way to document my life.

Day 78: Giving blood to save lives. Everyone should do it.
Day 79: Good old chilli con carne on the couch.
Day 80: Showing the little ones how to plank.
Day 81: OMG. She looks like a doll.
Day 82: Bubbles in your hair is the latest trend sweeping the runway.
Day 83: Look who found daddy's beer stash.
Day 84: Bubbles and bath.
Day 85: My office for the day.
Day 86: Cornered!
Day 87: Ladies who lunch.
Day 88: Family park selfie.
Day 89: More ladies who long table lunch for BreastCareWA.
Day 90: Feeling dusty but remembering fond memories of the long table lunch.
Day 91: Open. Shut. The new favourite game.
Day 92: No. You make me happy mail from a friend that isn't bills.
Day 93: Swinging.
Day 94: It's for you mum.
Day 95: Posers at another picnic.
Day 96: It's getting hot in here. Flaming coffee liqueur at Nonna's.
Day 97: Who me stay up all night? Never!
Day 98: Getting ready for work together.
Day 99: Zonked.
Day 100: Put my feet up, take a break from work and relax. The 100 Happy Days are done!

Friday, 11 April 2014

Hi ho. Hi no. It's back to work I go.

Being back at work feels like playtime. It certainly doesn't feel like my real job anymore.

Famous last words. Ask me again in a month.

What was particularly interesting was in the week I go back the Australian Human Rights Commission released a study of 2000 women and their workplace experiences during pregnancy and later returning to work.

It found one in two women report experiencing discrimination in the workplace during their pregnancy, after requesting or while on parental leave, or upon returning to work. As a result of this, a shocking 84% of these women experienced negative impacts on their mental health, physical health, families, finances, career and job opportunities.

I've seen this first hand. I have three friends who have returned to work since having their bubs last year. Of this three, two of them have posted Facebook statuses with tales of unfairness in the workplace. I'm sure there are others more feeling this way but don't feel comfortable enough sharing their feelings with others.

Friday, 4 April 2014

What I learnt during maternity leave

It's been almost a year since I put my out of office on, waddled to my car and drove off into the sunset.

It took a while for me to slow down. Even longer to switch my work brain off at the wall. With each new day I got a little bit slower, a little less frantic and a lot more sleepier.

Aside from the curve ball Mini Me has thrown and the tough lessons I quickly learnt, there are some other lessons I had in the past year.

1. Naps are under-rated
In our culture we laugh about how amazing it would be to have the afternoon siestas some countries like Spain and Italy enjoy. Then seconds later snigger how nothing ever gets done in those countries. Sadder still, that age-old tradition is being phased out. Please note: naps are not just for kids. I always felt great after 10 minutes of power napping. And on particularly slow days an hour and a half even. If only I could make a bed under my desk at work.

Naps are great!
2. Maternity leave should be called Morning Tea leave
I've said this before, but there is a lot of coffee and cake to be consumed when catching up with other women during your mat leave.

3. Don't put it off. Don't wait. Do it now.
This isn't a new, mind-blown philosophy. We all know it. We all read the inspirational quotes clogging up our Facebook, Instagram or any online feed you follow. You see, I thought I'd nail most of the 101 in 1001 during my mat leave. Ah no. I've managed 10% of it. There was always another coffee to go to (see point 2), another nap to have (see point 1) or a whiny baby to tend to. But I do wish I did more of it, because it'll get harder as a third of my life is consumed by work again.

4. But don't feel the need to rush and do it all at once
Woah. Contradiction! I'm a list maker (ah hello, what are you reading). I love to tick things off and have things done. I'd like to think I've seen and done a hell of a lot more than some people at my age. Yes there is a lot more people that have done more than me, but I'm still pretty happy. This year I've learnt it's okay to not have done everything, because there is always time. It's just about making sure your priorities are right. Sure I could've buckled down and smashed through half of my 101 in 1001, but where is the spontaneous fun of it? Instead my priorities were to have another coffee with friends (see point 2), rest up and take it slow (see point 1) and tend to my whiny baby when she needs me.

5. It's okay to say hello and good-bye to people
I love a good Facebook cull, but it is always harder to cull people in real life. Just like we should clean out our cupboards, sometimes we need a life cleanse and need to get rid of people we're investing too much for little return. You wouldn't do that with money. You wouldn't do that with a garden. So why waste your life doing it. Plus you might make new friends you need to make room for.

6. Let it all wash away in the shower
We're lucky we can have hot showers when ever we want. When ever Mini Me was being particularly annoying, I would put her in the bouncer and have a hot shower. She'd cry it out and if I'm lucky fall asleep. Meanwhile I couldn't hear her from under the running water and my worries, cares and stress just went down the drain. Even now, she just plays with her drawer, while I shower. Now to install a hot shower at work...

7. Choose the right mating partner
I always new Hubby was a bit of alright when it came to being supportive. Without him we would've ended years ago. To this day I'm the biggest shit in our relationship. What I wasn't prepared for was how much we'd need his patience and support when Mini Me came alone. Kids do not fix things. In fact they magnify all the bad stuff in your relationship and each other but you're too tired or busy to fight it out, talk it out or have the make-up sex that goes with a good fight. Sometimes it doesn't work this way, but pick the right person to have kids with. Make sure you're as rock solid as possible before the monster comes to tear it apart, and when possible make time for each other.

8. You're not the first, or last, person to experience that problem
The thing about first world problems is there is always someone else that has gone, or is going, through the same thing as you. While it is unique to you and might feel like the end of the world, you're not alone. Contrary to the books not everyone feels an instant connection to their baby. Everyone, at some point, has yelled a profanity at a baby that won't stop crying and start sleeping. Everyone has felt helpless at some point. Everyone fights with their partner, family and friends. Everyone farts. The lesson is, chill out, don't freak out, it'll be okay. And if you need to you can always find someone else who can sympathise.

9. Simple is best
The best example of this are kids toys. Forget the fancy, development enhancing toys, reach for your utensil draw. An empty box, car keys, a toothbrush are Mini Me's favourite toys. We complicate everything. For every problem we find the most difficult way to fix it. Instead, I've learnt simply is best. Don't over work it. Don't over think it and you'll get a better result.

In an ideal world, I'm going to take these lessons with me into work. Especially the naps one.

For those that have ever left the rat race for any period of time, what have you learnt? Post in the comments or get in touch. 

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Real life friend cull

I saw this fantastic quote on a friend's Instagram feed today and thought, well said!

I love a good Facebook cull. When I creep over 200 people, I start cutting. Good-bye people I met in hostels or had drunken nights with. Good-bye people from school who we only added each other to spy on each other. Good-bye people I've fallen out with.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Giving myself to save others: donating blood

I finally gave in to the blood suckers at the Australian Red Cross Blood Service.

I always wanted to but made lots of excuses. Time, needles, too busy, too sick. After being a human pincushion when I was pregnant I realised it would be fine.

So here I am euphoric after finally donating, or am I giddy from blood loss or too much sugar?

I'm a life saver - and so are they with their little treats

For those like me who put it off, let me combat those excuses.

100 Happy Days - Part 3

I can tell that I'm about to go back to work. A look back at the past month and my happy moment have revolved around Mini Me and food.

There is only a month left of my 100 Happy Days challenge and I wonder what sort of happy days I'll have while I'm back at work.