Monday 24 February 2014

Year of dates - F-ing February Date

February was an F-themed date night for our year of dates.

It start off iffy. We were a month behind due to family (aka babysitters) being selfish and flying overseas and our dance card was filling up. So that one is postponed.

Then the 1st Feb came along and my brilliant idea to scoot along the coast in a scooter and have a picnic lunch fell flat because the company folded. Feeling forlorn I fretted until a fabulous find came into focus - FringeWorld and Francoforte. Freaking fabulous.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Splashing out

I'm in a foul mood this week.

Maybe it's the heat. Maybe it's because my dad is visiting an staying with my father-in-law, which is always trying. Maybe it's because Mini Me is out of whack due to starting daycare, teething, or because she's a baby. Maybe it's just one of those weeks.

So when it was Mini Me's nine-month birthday (nine in, nine out) I needed something and thankfully my yummy mummies group had the perfect solution.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

My week as a vegetarian (with one slip up)

In my attempt to become an earth-loving hippie (remember no plastic bags as part of my new year's resolutions), I did a lot of research and a big tip was to go meat free once a week.

Did you know, one meat-free day a week reduces 213kg of global warming CO2 gases? That's what nine, five-metre tall tress can absorb in a year. So in one little week I helped fill the gap of what 63 trees could do. Given the rate we cut rainforests, I think that was rather helpful of me.

Doing the annual work of 63 trees in one week equals a happy planet
This isn't just a fad or a bunch of made up statistics (67% of statistics are made up according to the University of Me), even the United Nations is behind it. I really respect that organisation, and if you want something to help put you to sleep, you can read about it here.

Monday 10 February 2014

Getting saucy on Italian Sauce Day

The end of 'Looking for Alibrandi' got it all wrong. Sauce Day is not a day of Italian tunes, people wearing head scarves and families embracing happily.

It's a little more like La Tomatina... there are tomatoes thrown, tears, tantrums, fights and that's all before the first espresso. Then the stench of rotten tomatoes lingers on your skin and hair.

The paving looks like a Japanese Whaling Ship (no animals were hurt in the production of thick juicy sauce). Nonno (grandfather for non-Italians) gives a mean eye when he thinks you're not boiling the bottles properly. Nonna mutters that Kevin never checks the tomatoes properly. Sister S is being Sister S and thinks its a laugh. My very Australian husband thinks it is the best fun.

What am I saying? It's a hard slog, but it's tradition. I'm a sucker for tradition. So if ya gotta do it, then do it with some style.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Our Nation's Saddest Moment

Generally Australia's greatest achievements are on the sporting fields with some contributions to the arts and science world.

But what seems to be our greatest achievement to date is our saddest moment in history.


What is sadder is as I typed that, my phone recognised it as a legitimate word.

Monday 3 February 2014

Who let the mum's out?

This week I'd read an interesting article about how becoming a parent had changed, or not changed, a person.

It made me think about the person I was, the person I am now and the person I hope to be.

I truly think I'm the same, just a calmer version of me. I still go out regularly (at least once a week and also baby free), still swear (really need to stop that), I've always had a shower before lunch, I still cook. I think it's important to do things for yourself. Though I am learning to let go of things that take up too much energy with little return. Got to say it's a nice feeling.

The article came a good time because the following Saturday night the yummy mummies were hitting the town, without the babies. Watch out!

Feeling like a small group without our accessories

Saturday 1 February 2014

100 happy days

Is it possible to be happy for 100 days in a row?

2014 must be the International Year of Niceness and Happiness. Everywhere I'm seeing challenges to pay it forward, capture happy moments, create memory jars, all in an effort to feel warm and fuzzy.

Already for my 101 in 1001 I wanted to make a list of the 100 things that make me happy. I've been slowly building that list as I go along. Then on Facebook I noticed a friend post a challenge #100happydays.

Could I be happy for 100 days in a row?