Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Aye Carumba, Mama's turned 50!

My family are young breeders.

Mum was 21 when she had me. My grandmother 20 when she had my mum. My great grandmother was the same and only passed away a few years ago. I definitely bucked the trend with Mini Me and I don't feel old at all.

Four generations of women in my family.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Off the beaten track: Gnomesville

For Mini Me's six-month birthday yesterday I took her for a little treat to celebrate with people about her size.

Yes a town of gnomes off the beaten track, about 40kms from Bunbury, WA.

Just a fraction of the gnomes

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Lessons in Bunbury

Hubby's new job sees him travel often to WA's South West. As Mini Me and I joined him on his latest work trip I realised, I've never been to Bunbury.

I've heard lots about it and assumed I had been but as we drove in the realisation hit me. 

How could I assume I've been? Well I'm constantly in denial about life, I repress a lot of memories and my imagination is so vivid I truly believe I had a summer based on Alice in Wonderland.

In less than 24 hours in Bunbury I've learnt a lot more than I'm a little crazy (which I already knew).


Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Why I baptised Mini Me

This is a letter to Mini Me, to explain why she was baptised this weekend.

My Little Lady,

Firstly I have to confess, I do not believe in organised religion. I hate how humans turn something meant for good to suit a sinister agenda. I'm sure Einstien didn't dream of the nuclear bomb when he discovered relativity. I truly believe that's what has happened with all religions.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Life's a picnic

This is a little brag post. I'm riding high after a job well done for Mini Me's christening picnic we held on Sunday.

If only I could control the weather, it would've been perfect. A little too hot for my liking.

But everything else was exactly like I imagined it. Nicely presented food. Lots of tasty food. Full bellies. A game of footy for the boys. Playground for the kids. Wine for the ladies. Shade and blankets to lounge on. Perfect.

What's the recipe for this successful little party? Well here you go.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Mystery Day - Light up the night

Here's a riddle. On Saturday night I found myself in a sea of fluro and I wasn't anywhere near a mine site. I was at a dance party puffing, but I wasn't dancing. 

Where was I?

Mystery Moles struck again. Ms Lou made up light up the night at the Neon Run, a 5km dance party.

Mystery Moles

Friday, 8 November 2013

Red lips look like...

My three momentous make-up moments tell me one thing. I'm slow on the make-up uptake.

My cherry was popped in Year 10. I was accosted by friends who spent hours giving me a Pretty Woman make over. My frizzy hair was tamed straight. My face painted thick with cheap product. The result made me feel grown-up but wary of the effort. I didn't wear make-up again for years.

The second was during my first performance review for my first job out of uni. The only criticism, buy a suit and wear make-up. I'm not sure if it was to wow people with beauty to hide my lack of brains.

The third was a lightbulb moment at the London Fashion Show. I watched a demonstration on how to correctly apply eye shadow. Heaven forbid you rely on browns and naturals as your colours of choice. And did you know not blending is a war crime, or showing eyelids is equal to a humanitarian tradegy. I realised I'd been doing it wrong for years.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Year of dates - sailing the ocean

Marriage is a lot like sailing. During the sunny calm waters you relax and soak it in.  For the rocky times its all hands on deck as you work together to get through it.

I didn't think of that analogy as I booked November's date. I was thinking, how awesome would it be to learn the ropes on a tall ship.

November date - sailing on the Leeuwin

Monday, 4 November 2013

10 things I like about myself

Doing something like Frocktober really makes you aware of your body flaws.

For me it's the stomach that blows up and down with huge differences each day, or through out the day. Or my thighs that never seem to shrink, tone or tighten despite using the stairs everyday. Or my lack of a defined chin which means I have to smile a certain way to avoid the double chin.

But you also learn to work the parts that are most flattering or that you feel comfortable with. For me it's my waist and legs from the knees down.

What I realised is the list of flaws is always longer than the list of workable body parts. And that is what's wrong with us; cons always out way the pros.

While trawling Pinterest one sleepless morning I saw a list of things to make you a better person. Generally I hate those things because it is about letting go past hurts, thinking happy thoughts, hippie, blah, blah. Now that works for some people, but my mind is to go-go-go and practical for that sort of thing.

But one thing caught my interest - list 10 things you like about yourself that have nothing to go with your weight or what you look like.

I love lists but this was tough. I instantly started listing things others have said I am. But that's their perception and not really what I think I'm like.

Some say I'm relaxed. I actually think it's because I'm flexible and adaptable.

Some say I'm strong or bitchy. I actually think I'm practical. 

So here are the 10 things I like about myself. There are certainly things I wish I was, but that's not what this is about. If you're feeling blah, give it a go and write one yourself.

1: I'm flexible and adaptable.

2: I'm reliable and always do what I say I'll do.

3: I've learnt to laugh rather than cry.

4: I love to cook and think I'm pretty good at it.

5: I'm adventurous; I'll always try something new before saying no.

6: I can generally see both sides of the story and hope my advice is objective because of it.

7: I'm a good story teller.

8: I can handle more stress than others.

9: I've learnt to see the bigger picture and not get caught up in the small stuff.

10: That my mind never stops; it's always ticking, ticking, ticking.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Frocking free

I'm feeling very overwhelmed by choice. My hands are itchy for my staple dresses.  I'm shaking from withdrawals. 

I'm reaching out.... Must. Choose. A. Different. Outfit.

Urged overcome. Embracing summer we're in shorts and a little miss sunshine outfit.

Frocktober 2014 may be over, but you can still donate to our Frocktober efforts, but for now I'm giddy with choice: https://frocktober.everydayhero.com/au/two-chicks-and-a-baby