I've heard lots about it and assumed I had been but as we drove in the realisation hit me.
How could I assume I've been? Well I'm constantly in denial about life, I repress a lot of memories and my imagination is so vivid I truly believe I had a summer based on Alice in Wonderland.
In less than 24 hours in Bunbury I've learnt a lot more than I'm a little crazy (which I already knew).
For the past few weeks I've been low. An emptiness that until recently I've been unable to articulate. Among the reasons for feeling this way is that my home is now my office.
Hubby said 'why can't you relax?' And I realised I can't. If you lived at your office you'd constantly look around and see your to-do list. But you get to leave the office and while you may think of work, you're physically removed from it. I can't.
There is no clock off for Friday drinks for me. I literally live at work. Monday morning, Saturday night. It's all Groundhog Day and I can always see my to-do list.
Though my boss is on this holiday with me, demanding feeds and dealing with shit, the change of scenery is just what I needed to relax while she sleeps.
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Mini Me and I take a lovely 5km stroll through the mangroves around the inlet |
Check out this skyline. What looks out of place?
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3: Country Coles is awesome
Maybe it's because it is different. Maybe it's because there is nothing else to do. Maybe it's just because it's awesome. I LOVE Coles here.
It has clothes. It has appliances. It has more food choice than my local Coles. Go figure.
Whoever said there's no shopping in the country lied. I spent the afternoon walking in and out of shops (hello Witchery and boutique stores) looking for things for me and the dreaded Christmas gifts. It was so much more relaxing than shopping in Perth.
4: It's easy to be polite
I always knew smaller places were friendlier. I'd just forgotten.
Every person I passed as I walked around the inlet (and there were so many people walking and running) smiled and said hello. One gentleman every ran after me when I lost Mini Me's blanket 500m down the path.
It didn't take any extra effort on their part to be polite and say hello.
5. I can relax
Writing this may not seem like I'm relaxing. In truth, it's taken me all day to write these little observations.
I nap, walk, read my book, watch TV in between. I'm shocked that I've watched TV. I normally hate TV, but I've watched it for a few hours today.
As I sign off my eyes are getting droopy, it's time for another nap. Good night.
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