Sunday 17 August 2014

Later 'gator

It's been a while. I kind of forgot about you.

It dawned on me. This little online musings was my outlet while I was on maternity leave. I needed something for me. Some structure and purpose.

Now before you super mums don the capes and come to shoot me down, take a moment and listen.

Being a mum is the best purpose I've ever had. Mini Me is becoming me every day and is bloody funny and bloody cute. She's also bloody tiring, testing, restricting, rewarding, entertaining and frustrating all coiled in that little body of hers that is about to spring.

What she is not is intellectually fulfilling. I've been lucky to have never been unemployed. Even as a kid I 'helped' mum at her work. I thrive on work and I survive on using my brain. So going from working to lunching is a massive adjustment. And this helped me through.

Now though, I write again every day. I problem solve, gossip, plan, deliver and manage the older children at my work that have tantrums that will give Mini Me a run for her money.

I love working. It's tough and a juggling act. I recently went through a tough time with anxiety attacks, illness and horribleness to those close to me. I never feel like I'm doing good at anything and failing at everything. Except failing.

Then I confided in people, noticed the signs and realised I'm doing okay. We're all doing okay.

This moment of serenity will pass. The overwhelming feeling of not doing anything right will come again, but I'm going to make the most of this peace now.

Basically this is a log way to say, I probably won't be writing anymore, at least for now. I have my outlet and don't have the time to do this writing anymore.

I'll continue my 101 in 1001 and try to remember to record them.

But if I don't and I don't write. I haven't forgotten how you helped get me through that past year. It'll stay wih me forever.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Old with the old

It was time for change. I resisted the 'mum' hair cut where you lop it all off because it is 'easier'. I'm sorry, nothing is easier than a dirty, smelly mum bun.

But after growing my tresses for four years, and looking back on a sun-kissed happy face with short locks (stupid me should've remembered I was drunk in every photo on a European summer holiday), I thought, why not. And off it went.

Hair to my nipples
So long hair, you were weighing me down
My short hair... only pic I have so far (Thanks Niche for the great night too)

I can't tie it in a mum bun, it's floating around my hair in a boof and I have to wash it at least twice a week. But I love it!

Plus I'm only four years away from growing it back.

Thursday 5 June 2014

The final two envelopes

I've been beat at my own game.

After ten months of envelope surprises, Hubby has gone and trumped me.

And so it begun. My weekend of cards.

Sunday 25 May 2014

A rainbow cake broke me

The internet has peer pressured me into tackling a Pinterest project.

When I put together my 101 in 1001 I was in an aspirational mood to be the mother that made everything from scratch, made every life moment a mystery and made every game one of learning.

That lasted about a month.

But I still have the list. And I still have to finish it. So for Mini Me's first birthday I decided to tackle the rainbow cake.

What a ridiculous idea.

Mini Me and the Rainbow Cake that broke me

Wednesday 21 May 2014

One year down....

I've been a little quiet. I've been a little busy being a leaner-inner.

It seems this online brain dump really was biding time until I got it back into gear. I love what I do. I love my job.

It doesn't make me love Mini Me less. I just have to be honest with myself. 

So I will be writing less but still trying to finish my 101 in 1001.

Yesterday marked Mini Me's first birthday. To think a year ago I was defleaing the dog, with my pants off because I thought I had a saw stomach from too much food. Turns out, she was coming.